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Spring Green Lichen Bag

SKU: 179498
Woodland Scenics' Lichen (Spring Green) is a Natural product with aShrub-Like Shape That Can Be Used to Model Many Types of Trees, Foliage,Small Bushes and Hedges on Any Layout. Landscaping adds color, texture and realism to terrain contours.


It's been treated with preservative additives that make it uniquelynonflammable, nontoxic and hygroscopic.It does not dry out unless the relative humidity drops below 37%, and will soften again when the relative humidity rises above 37%.Use to make trees, shrubs, bushes, vines, undergrowth and forests.This natural product blends in a limitless variety of colors and textures when combined with the turf and foliage line.Spring Green is a yellowish-green color with realistic-lookingV-shaped pine needles.Produce realistic scenery whether you're a beginner or advancedmodeler.This product is easy to use and virtually foolproof.Instructions and tips are printed on the back of the package.Package is hangable.


One Package of Spring Green Lichen


Scenic Sprayer (S192) Scenic Cement (S191) Tree Armatures (if making trees)


1-1/2 Quart (1.4 Liters)


Two package sizes and several colors offer variety and economy.


5.00" W. X 2.00" H. X 8.25" L.


.15 LBS.